“Why do I still feel hungry? I just had a meal!”; “Why am I always hungry?” – If you often feel this way, this article might be helpful for you!
One of the essential functions of food is to provide satiety. Ideally, a person can go for 2 to 3 hours after having a full meal. But, if you still feel hungry within minutes of having a filling meal or you experience cravings even after a meal, there may be a possibility that your body is trying to tell you something.
Crash dieting
If you are following a diet that either makes you starve or restricts certain foods and doesn’t permit you to eat your required intake , it is a wrong approach to losing weight. Your body is getting fewer calories than it is burning. All you need are healthy lifestyle changes in your life!

Working out more than normal
If one burns a lot more calories than they consume daily by working out excessively, they will feel hungrier. One ought to be careful because he/she might end up overeating in this case.
You are not eating enough protein
Protein is quite filling and keeps you satiated for a long duration. Ideally, you should consume protein-rich food in all of your main meals. But, if you follow a crash diet that is highly imbalanced, such as having only salads and soups in your meals without any protein, you may feel hungry soon after your meal, and this may even give rise to cravings.
You are not eating enough fiber.
Fiber from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and pulses helps us stay full longer. It is also vital for the growth of healthy gut microflora.
People who follow diets such as the keto diet avoid all kinds of carbs, including fruits and whole grains, and therefore unknowingly avoid fiber as well. This leads to feelings of hunger soon after a meal.
You aren’t hydrated
Water is essential for life! It also takes up some space in your stomach. However, if you do not drink enough water, your stomach remains somewhat empty, and you tend to mistake thirst for hunger. As a consequence, you end up eating more than
you should without quenching your thirst

You’re eating emotionally
“I am not feeling good today. I need pizza!”; “I had a bad day at work. I better treat myself to a meal at my favorite restaurant.”
Before you head in this direction of emotional eating, ask yourself – “Am I hungry?” or maybe try and reason out – “I just had a meal, do I need another one?”
Some people even mistake boredom for hunger.
Try cooking something healthy. Do you feel hungry before eating a healthy home cooked meal? If not, then you’re not hungry at all. It’s just emotional hunger.
You’re skipping meals.
If you skip meals because you are busy or simply because you want to lose weight, you are more prone to consuming less calories than your body requires. So, even after you have a meal, your body’s requirements have not been met, and you might feel hungry within minutes of having a meal.
You’re not getting enough sleep.
A disrupted sleep pattern or not sleeping enough can disrupt the body’s hormonal balance, leading to an increase in some people’s hunger hormone, making them feel more hungry than usual.

There are many reasons for someone maybe try and reason out feel hungry. But the key to managing this is to make some simple and sustainable changes in your lifestyle.
- Practice mindful eating.
- Have a balanced diet rather than a highly restrictive diet.
- Include protein and fiber in your diet.
- Drink more water.
- Get adequate rest.
- Practice moderate intensity exercise.
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