One of the key ingredients to a happy and healthy life is to stay active. Nowadays we are living a sedentary lifestyle especially during a pandemic. But we are neglecting that Obesity which is a lifestyle disorder, has increased among the population in the last few decades. People nowadays have become so dependent on technologies for everything that this is slowly and indirectly affecting their lifestyle. We need to understand that these technologies have been designed to reduce your workload so that you can concentrate on yourself too. But totally depending on these things is only making us lazy, inactive and we are self-inviting lifestyle disorders.
Staying active in your day-to-day life doesn’t mean you have to do complex Pilates classes or weight training but it can also mean simple activities like small household work or going for a walk with your pets or family, doing yoga or doing some aerobics or Zumba or any cardio based activity. Such exercises can be done during lockdown too and this will not only keep you physically active but will also help you to deal with mental stress. Not being physical could lead us to drastic long-term lifestyle diseases that can not only affect our health but can also affect our mental health. And we need to understand is Healthy person is not someone who looks slim but a healthy person is someone who is healthy physically, mentally and emotionally. So, here are a few easy and simple tips to stay active throughout the day –
Take a walk: Sounds simple right? Yet many of us take this small and simple task for granted! It’s important to take a walk because it really cleanses your body from inside. How can you achieve this? Set a target in your Fit bit or Google fit and try to achieve it slowly and steady. Be active post your meals (Breakfast, lunch, dinner ) it helps in increasing your metabolism and digestion. Take your pets for long walks and play with them in the park for hours. It cleanses your mind, goes for long strolls just to catch a breath of fresh air and do some stretches. Do such things for at least 21 days. Once it gets in your habit you will start enjoying it and you might feel incomplete when you miss it. This is one of the best methods to stay fit as well as it helps clear your head space.

Take a break: We’re all tired living the same old routine life whether it’s college or our stressful jobs, or just doing the household work. It’s important to be mentally healthy also but due to so much stress in our life we often forget to take care of ourselves. And by taking care of ourselves, it doesn’t just mean sitting and watching a movie on the weekend, take small trips or going on small vacations to explore new places, explore your hobby, read a book, or paint, or play that instrument which is kept in the corner, dance, sing, do gardening. Sit with your friends or family and spend some quality time with them without any gadget, have a hearty laugh with great meals! Remember to take a break even if this break is very small, for e.g. even during working hours on the laptop, get up and stretch your body in every 1-2 hour, walk till your kitchen get yourself 1 water bottle or 1 bowl of fruit or go to the balcony and take some fresh air or go for a swim, go play with your kids. Even the smallest things matter a lot!
Participate in as many events as possible: Several activities are usually organized like marathons, badminton matches, spend some time on the beach or go for a hike or trek. No event is small but is a great way to meet new people! Even though social gatherings are not allowed these days, isn’t this the great time to find out the inner you and at the same time stay fit and strong. It doesn’t have to be only sports related events, it could be cleanliness drives such as cleaning a nearby park or even painting an old school, stop finding excuses.

Set a routine and allot a specific time for some physical activity daily: Due to the pandemic our routine is totally disturbed and this is only affecting our health. Make your willpower strong, set a routine, make up your mind that you have to spend at least 30 minutes for some physical activity and once you get used to it, it will become a habit that we cannot live without. Keep a note to set some small but healthy targets and work to achieve those targets and once you start achieving it your motivation will increase and you will be able to see some major changes in yourself.
This is our lives and we are the only ones responsible for treating our body’s rights. We have to learn to make time for ourselves. Don’t buy expensive cycles, don’t buy costly gym instruments or membership. Make small changes within you because small steps take you to your big dream. Staying active and energetic doesn’t have to be boring, be a part of a health and fitness driven community with Health Click Away that offers you a variety of coaches to pick from at your own convenience!
Download our app and promise yourself a better, healthier, happier and fitter version of yourself.