Can you think of an ingredient which is the soul of every meal you eat? Well, I guess you would!

No meal is complete without a little sprinkle of salt in it. While most of us prefer regular salt, the concept of using iodized salt over the years has left in a state of wonderment about what it actually is and whether or not it is a necessary part of the diet. Salt is an important and popular condiment that is massively used in various foods not only to help enhance the taste but to improve one’s health too. Reducing the blandness of every meal, it also carries the nutrient value of providing adequate sodium to the body. Sodium being an important and essential element to control the body’s fluids and muscle function makes the presence of salt in food even more essential.
But the substitution of a sodium diet with a balanced iodized intake is required to help strike the perfect balance of nutrients within the body.
Iodine, which is a trace mineral commonly found in dairy products, grains, seafood, and eggs, has a restricted consumption capacity in our daily meal.

The concerning fact here is that not many people are comfortable ingesting with these food types and since this mineral can not be produced naturally in our bodies, it’s absolutely essential we get it through other sources.
In various countries, iodine is preferably combined with table salt to help prevent the problem of iodine deficiency. That’s how ‘Iodized salt’ became popular, because salt is an ingredient we can’t do without. The giving factor of this magic mineral serves as an important element for better performance of thyroid glands, producing the hormones aiding in tissue repair, regulating metabolism, and boosting body growth.
Adequate intake of iodine qualifies as a cure for deficiencies like goiter which have always been a major concern for people around the world, currently concerning around 75% of children in certain areas of the United States of America. With the availability of iodized salt, the significance of treating our bodies with a balanced meal, in this hectic generation, feels accomplished.

Although there exists a debate on the need for consumption of iodized salt in the general population, and why it just isn’t restricted to populations suffering from nutritional deficiencies, there’s a lot of research that shows that regular salt only provides the body with sodium, an excess of which can cause various health problems like stroke, high blood pressure, and other health-related issues. On the other hand consumption of iodized salt not only makes our meal sumptuous but it also keeps it healthy.
Health Click Away is an Artificial Intelligence-powered smart app. It helps you in achieving your health and fitness goals without making you choose any highly restrictive diet but rather encourages you to make healthy lifestyle changes and practice mindful eating.
The app can track your calorie intake and exercise level. You can find healthy and delicious recipe ideas, and another great feature it reminds you when it’s time for your next meal and when you need to drink water.
Choose Health Click Away today for a healthier lifestyle.