How many times have you heard about green tea is one of the best remedies to lose weight? Due to which you must have wondered considering it as a part of your diet.
Green Tea is believed to be one of the best beverages when it comes to making healthy choices. It is loaded with antioxidants and various plant compounds which are a provider of great health benefits. It is massively believed that green tea can help lose weight by increasing the fat-burning ability of an individual.
Considering the values tea leaves uphold, one of the greatest green tea compounds i.e. ‘caffeine’ is said to have a great effect on your body. It is a well-known stimulant that has been found to aid fat burning, also helping in improving the exercise performance of individuals.

The fine ability to provide the best antioxidant content makes green tea the most preferred beverage for increasing the antioxidant amount in one’s bloodstream. This healthy beverage is loaded with potent antioxidants called ‘catechins’, which are scientifically known to improve the ability to burn fat within people.
Green Tea is not just restricted as a fat burner, but it also acts as a metabolism booster for a person. It’sepigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) substance is the provider of fast metabolism in your body. How often do you look at the label of almost every commercial weight loss supplement and find green tea listed as an ingredient?
Well, I am guessing loads.
An eight-week study conducted, determined that people consuming green tea before engaging in their daily exercise, burned 17% more fat than the people who didn’t prefer taking the supplement. It showed how well this beverage boosts one’s stamina and has a great overall effect on your body. Considering the fact that your body is constantly burning calories, even when your body is at rest, while sleeping or just sitting, the cells in your body are occupied, performing various functions that indeed require energy. But this natural calorie-burning ability of your bodies is not always a prime source to lose weight.

Researches conducted on obese individuals, those consuming green tea on regular basis showed to have lost 7.3 more pounds and burned 183 more calories every day after only three months than those not consuming this beverage. It highlighted the fact that the green tea extract or the EGCG supplements can
easily help improvise the metabolism of an individual, making you burn more calories, even at rest. Although it is important to know that not everyone feels comfortable while consuming green tea. Because green tea is alkaline in nature, it’s the ability to stimulate recreation of extra gastric juices might be unsuitable
for people having sensitive stomachs.
Rightly suggested by health experts, having green tea right in the morning and later in the evening is highly recommended.
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